Example of a model
Assumptions are behind the diagram.
The law might be supportive or not supportive of mutually beneficial exchanges.
Can you imagine the circular flow diagram applying to only 1 person acting as both the household and the firm? Why or why not?
Real-life circular flow diagrams are probably more complicated than what is presented in the textbook and in the 1-person economy.
We took a lot of time thinking about why budget lines matter and working through why scarcity is reflected in such lines.
But we never discussed its shape and position beyond the fact that it is a line.
We had an example before where \(3x+2y=5\).
What marginal analysis means is that we make choices by asking what happens when we have a little bit more or a little bit less.
It is not very obvious yet from the textbook but if we additionally assume that consumers make the best out of what they have, then
Recall our discussion on FRED vs PSA/BSP?
We applied the idea of a “budget lines” here to:
Actually, the “budget line” here is really a production possibilities frontier (PPF).